Angarak Yoga or Dosha in Astrology

Angarak Yoga or Dosha in Astrology

In Vedic astrology, Angarak yoga or dosha is a planetary combination that occurs when the planet Mars is in certain positions in the birth chart. Mars, also known as Angaraka or Mangal, is considered a malefic planet in astrology and its placement in specific houses can create Angarak yoga. Angarak yoga is said to bring challenges and obstacles in the life of an individual. People born with this dosha may face difficulties in relationships, health issues, and financial problems.

It is believed that the presence of Angarak yoga in a person's birth chart can lead to aggression, conflicts, and accidents. However, there are remedies available to mitigate the negative effects of Angarak dosh.

One of the most common remedies is performing puja for Angarak dosh. This puja is conducted by experienced priests who chant mantras and perform rituals to appease the planet Mars and seek its blessings. The puja is believed to reduce the malefic effects of Mars and bring peace and harmony into the person's life. Apart from puja, there are other remedies that can help in overcoming the challenges posed by Angarak dosha. These include wearing gemstones associated with Mars, such as red coral or carnelian, chanting mantras related to Mars, worshiping Lord Hanuman who is considered the deity of Mars, and observing fast on Tuesdays which is considered auspicious for Mars.

It is important to consult with a knowledgeable astrologer to understand the effects of Angarak dosha in your birth chart and to find suitable remedies to counteract them. By following the prescribed remedies and seeking blessings from the divine, it is believed that one can overcome the obstacles posed by Angarak yoga and lead a more harmonious and fulfilling life.



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