Shani (Saturn) Shanti & Dosha Nivaran Puja

13,500.00 ($225.00)
Mention the the date of your choice (or leave blank we will select best date)
Birth details of concerned persons like - Name - XYZ.. 07 Oct 1985...12.21 PM (Delhi, India)
Names / Father Name, Full Current Address & (Gotra if know) of the concerned Persons
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Shani (Saturn) Shanti & Dosha Nivaran Puja reduce the malefic effects of planet Shani or Saturn and enhance the benefits of the Saturn. Its puja is done to act as a shield to malefic effects of shani. Puja of this is believed to bless all those who suffer from chronic illness, financial losses and delay in marriage etc. Shani grants good health, longevity, leadership, authority, ambition, wisdom and immense wealth to his devotees. The people who come under the influence of Saturn can achieve great authority in all spheres of life.

Saturn (Shani) is the signification of judgment and truthfulness in one's life. A malefic or ill placed Saturn brings lot of hardships for a person. Astrologically, Lord Shani (Saturn) signifies the profession related to industries, Iron and steel, footwear and business of black color articles. It also signifies democracy, general, labor class, politics and judicial system.

Saturn is the son of Sun God and Chaya (Sanvarna). It is said that when he opened his eyes as a baby for the very first time, the sun went into an eclipse, which clearly denotes the impact of Shani on astrological charts. Shani is considered to be the strongest malefic and a stern teacher who represents patience, effort, endeavor and endurance. However, a favorably-placed Shani on the horoscope of a person stands for a strong career, healthy life and positive happenings for that person.

The person who wants to enhance these above aspects in his life should opt for Shani (Saturn) Puja. This Puja is also very effective to remove serious health problem caused by ill placed Saturn. Shani Tumors, Cancers, Depression, and disease related to excretory system are cured by this Puja. The person who has ascendant as Capricorn and Aquarius and Rashi (Moon sign) is highly benefitted by this Puja.

If the planet Saturn is in combination with planet Rahu, then it forms a bad yoga known as " Shani Rahu Shrapit Dosha " which dreadfully affects almost all the zones of life and the person's life is full of hardships. Similarly, if the planet Saturn is in combination with planet Moon, then it forms another bad yoga named as " Shani Chandra Vish Yoga ". Such a person is very intelligent, and yet at times he can fall prey to extreme negativity and depression. In all such cases, a Shani Puja can be extremely remedial.

A person is said to be under the major affliction of Saturn known as "Saturn Sade Sati" when the planet Saturn is transiting through the 12th, 1st and 2nd house from the Natal Chart Moon, each transition is of approximately two and a half years. A person has to undergo all kinds of hardships during this period including stress, anxiety, tensions, loss of mental peace as well as financial losses. These problems are more profound and severely affect if the planet Saturn is malefic in his horoscope. Similarly, a person is said to be under the minor affliction of Saturn known as "Small Panoti" when the planet Saturn is transiting through the 4th or 8th house from his Natal Chart Moon. The adverse effects of Small Panoti are also very much like those of Saturn Sade Sati. In both these afflictions also, a Shani Puja can bring a big relief by the blessings of Lord Saturn.

Malefic Shani (Saturn) Effects

Misery, sorrow, death
Restriction, delays, humility
Disorders of the respiratory tract
Difficulty in breathing
Prolonged and cronic illnesses
Infertility etc

The main objectives of this puja :

Strengthens benefic Saturn & increases its positive influence and pacifies malefic effects of Saturn & neutralizes its negative effect.

Success in worldly affairs and business and the person touches great heights

It helps achieve Raja yoga through complete blessings of Shani.

Puja Features

This Puja will perform at Shani / Saturn Temple at Haridwar or at your Place if requested

Puja includes - Kalash Sthapana, Panchang Sthapana(Gauri Ganesh, Punyavachan, Shodash Matrika, Navgraha, Sarvotabhadra), 64 yogini Pujan, Shetrapal Pujan, Swasti Vachan, Sankalpa, Ganesh Pujan and Abhishek, Navgraha Pujan and 108 chants of each planetary mantra, Invocation of major Gods and Goddesses in Kalash, Chants of Shani Mantra, Shani Idol Abhishek and Pujan, Shani Yantra Puja, Chanting of Shani Mantra, Shani Havan (including 108 ahutis of Shamhi wood), Aarti, Pushpanjali, Shani shanti donation in temple

Japam for Saturn with Saturn Mantra can be done 23000 times by four priests in 1 day

Homa will be performed on the Last part / day of Puja

Shani (Saturn) Shanti & Dosha Nivaran Puja can be done as following ways :

23000 Japam of Shani Mantra will be performed by four priests in one day


All the auspicious proceedings combined with some decorum, turn out to be divine blessings. That’s why, we request our devotees to go through the following guidelines while booking any blissful event with us.Devotees will need to fill the registration form with all the mandatory details while booking any Puja package.

If a devotee doesn’t provide a specific date for the Puja in his/her registration form, then we will affirm a suitable day for Puja according to the divinely Muhurta (auspicious time) decided on the basis on birth details filled by the specific devotee.

After confirming the booking of a Puja Package, the devotee can neither cancel it nor apply for a refund. But he/she can either ask for next available Puja dates, or book any other Puja package as a reimbursement of money.

We are welcomed to join the devotees and their family members to Puja either physically but do not support any live means like through Skype, Zoom, Google Duo, WhatsApp, or other means of video calling & conferencing to join, however we can provide the photos and important video recordings of the puja.

Maximum four persons are allowed to join a Puja ceremony physically.

In order to attend Puja in person, the devotees will have to travel to the respective location on their own expenses.

The Puja ceremonies conducted by us are in any of the holistic temples of Rishikesh or Haridwar on the banks of river Ganges.

If a devotee requests for Puja at his/her respective location, then:

The devotee will be responsible for managing all the travel expenses (departure & return) along with the stay arrangements for priests or Pundits.
Extra 25% of the specified Puja cost will be charged to the devotee.

More Booking - Related Info:

For booking a Puja and knowing the Homa charges & necessary details, please contact on +91 7465839601.

The booking charges will include Puja offerings, libations, and other arrangements.

Any Puja package can be booked with single or multiple names. The names mentioned while booking will be recited during Sankalpa.

Booking a Puja is a matter of divinity, faith, and devotion. Constant questioning and queries about the same make it appear like a product, i.e., being sold. It makes us feel very disheartened that such a godly act is being materialized in unfavorable ways. All the required information is on the site itself, and so, we request you to please don’t go ahead with booking if you are feeling indecisive anyhow. Let’s embrace God and sanctity altogether.

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