VASTU: Indian Feng Shui

VASTU: Indian Feng Shui

Vaastu is the science of the ‘living place’ or the dwelling. It can be compared to the Chinese Fung Shui. It focuses on harmonizing life according to the architecture, interior design and the landscape. A building is an extension of a person. It is connected to both the cosmic energies present in the environment and to the energy field of the occupants. Vastu is the science of building to bring health, prosperity, happiness and peace of mind.

Here are some examples of concepts utilized in Vastu. There are generalized for all and especially for public buildings. With astrology these indications can be more specified for individual homes. The plots refered to here are the different squares within the Vastu Purusha.

Water bodies are best made on North Eastern Side
South or South West is suitable for Dining Hall
Satyaka/Antariksha are suited for Bedrooms for all
Rooms for enjoyment (entertainment) should be located in the Shosha/Asura/Varuna plots
Kitchen should be in the SouthEast corner
Aditi plot is suited for Bathroom for all
In the Indra/Jaya should be located the dressing room
Study room should be in the Mriga area
Treasury for keeping valuables should be located in the Soma and Mriga plots
Servant quarters in the Indra/Mahendra plots are suitable
Boys room should be in the Savitra plot
Girls apartments should be in RajaYakshman plot
The room for amusement and luxuries should be built in the Soma plot
Family temple should be located in the Ahi plot
Store Room should be built either in Ahi or Mukhya plot
Flower pavilion/Garden should be located in Sosha or Asura plot
The main doors of the house should be either in the Mahendra, Pushpadanta, Mukhya or Grihakshata plot
In the central area (Brahma plot) should be built pavilion for ceremonies etc.



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