Vedic Astrology

Vedic Astrology

Kundali Milan or Matchmaking in Astrology

Kundali Milan or Matchmaking in Astrology

Kundali Milan (match-making) is basically the process of matching the astrological birth chart of the prospective bride and the groom. It is said that if both the “kundalis” and horoscopes match with each other, considering all the relevant doshas and yogas, the couple will have a happy and prosperous married life.

Kundli Milan plays a vital role at the time of marriage. Hindu Scriptures consider marriage as a holy union planned even before taking birth. Marriage is also one of the most beautiful moments in one’s life. Everyone wants a good spouse with whom s/he can create some beautiful memories and feel happy. This is the area where the actual happiness of the person lies over. As, a marriage is an important aspect of our society, people today are very much interested in finding the perfect life partner. In Hindu dharma, horoscope or Kundali of both boy and girl are matched in order to nullify any bad effects after marriage. Also, in case of any Dasha, astrology offers several remedies and solutions to overcome its malefic effects.

It is known and believed that a birth chart if prepared with utmost precision and detailing, can reveal some of the greatest and deepest truths of the individual’s life (past, present, and future).

It is through the birth chart; all the important aspects and traits of the individual can be known. According to Vedic astrology, a person’s nature is formed on the basis of the planetary positions and movements in the horoscope.
Therefore, it is said that after marriage when the couple would stay with each other, the planetary positions and movements can exert influence and affect the life as well as the destiny of the partner. So, there is a need to check and calculate if there is a compatibility of planets and stars in both the partners’ horoscope or Kundali.

Major Factors of Kundali Milan

In Vedic Astrology, the concept of Kundli matching is very eminent. There are different names for matchmaking viz, Kundali Milan, Guna Milan, Horoscope Matching and Compatibility, Lagna Melapak etc. The factors which are considered at the time of marriage are:-

Guna Milan
Manglik Dosha
The strength of Navamsa Chart
8 Gunas (Aspects of Kundali Milan)

The Guna is considered to be the most essential parameter that is taken into consideration while matching the Kundali of a potential couple. There are a total of 8 Gunas that are analyzed to check a partnership or compatibility. Each guna holds different numeric points which add up to a total of 36. A marriage is considered ideal when 18 or more points match. A total of 27 is considered most ideal. The higher the score, the higher is the compatibility.

In Vedic astrology, there is a process of Kundali Milan, called as, “Ashtakoot Milan“, which signifies the eight aspects of Gunas. “Ashta” means “Eight” and “Koota” means “Aspects”. The eight Kootas are:

i. Varna/Varan/Jaati

It shows the spiritual compatibility of boy and girl along with their ego levels. It is divided into 4 categories, such as Brahmins (Highest), Kshatriya, Vaishya, Shudra (Lowest).

ii. Vasya/Vashya

It shows mutual attraction, control in marriage and also calculates the power equation in between married couples. A person is classified into 5 types, namely Manav/Nara (human), Vanchar (wild animals such as a lion), Chatushpad (small animals such as deer), Jalchar (sea animals), Keeta/Keet (insects).

iii. Tara/Dina

It is related to birth star compatibility and destiny. There are 27 birth stars (Nakshatra).

iv. Yoni

It measures the intimacy level, sexual compatibility and mutual love between the couple. Yoni Koot is classified into 14 animals, which are Horse, Elephant, Sheep, Snake, Dog, Cat, Rat, Cow, Buffalo, Tiger, Hare/Deer, Monkey, Lion, and Mongoose.

v. Graha Maitri/Rasyadipati

It shows mental compatibility, affection and natural friendship. It also represents the moon sign compatibility between couples.

vi. Gana

It is related to behaviour and temperament. Nakshatras (Birth Star) are divided into three categories- Deva (God, indicating Satwa Guna), Manava (Human, indicating Rajo Guna) and Rakshasa (Demon, indicating Tamo Guna)

vii. Rashi

It relates to the emotional compatibility and love between partners. The position of planets in boy’s birth chart is compared with the girl’s birth chart. If the boy’s moon is placed in 2nd, 3rd, 4th, 5th, 6th house from girl’s moon, then it is considered bad or inauspicious, whereas 7th and 12th houses are considered good. In case of a female, if natal chart moon is placed in 2nd, 3rd, 4th, 5th and 6th houses from man’s chart, then it will be auspicious and inauspicious if placed 12th from man’s chart.

viii. Nadi

It is related to health and genes. Nakshatra (stars) are divided into 3 parts – Aadi (Vata) Nadi, Madhya (Pitta) Nadi and Antya (Kapha) Nadi.

Also, one should keep other factors in consideration while recommending any couple’s Kundali for marriage purpose. For Rashi (horoscope) matching, other factors like Manglik Doshas, the longevity of partner, financial standing in the society, emotional stability etc. are also taken into consideration. Kundli Matching of bride and groom will let them know how stars will influence their marital life and what can be the remedial actions to cure such obstacles.

These are the major aspect of one’s Kundali (birth chart) that is taken into consideration at the time of Kundali Milan. These different aspects help Vedic Astrologer to find out whether the Kundali of a boy or a girl is compatible or not. Many people in Hindu community even today believe in matchmaking for a marriage to be successful.

What is VishKanya

What is VishKanya

The title Visha Kanya (literally, “poison maiden”) comes from a reprehensible practice of yesteryear in which kings’ located girls whose horoscopes promised widowhood. These girls were sequestered at an early age and fed many types of poisons in gradually increasing does to make them immune to their deleterious effects. By the time they reached puberty, these girls were thoroughly toxic and ready for use. The king who had directed the process was then ready to present one of these visha kanys to anyone whom he wanted to kill, for any man who embraced such a lady would die after a very short time. One legend holds that Aristotle warned Alexander the Great about the dangers of such “venomous virgins”; another suggests that Alexander dies as a result of the embrace of a visha kanya who was awarded to him as tribute by the defeated King Porus.

For a Change, Lets start with how it occurs?
If and ONLY if a girl child is born on

  • Saturday – Tuesday – Sunday
  • Dwithiya – Sapthami – Dwadasi (Badra Thithis)
  • Ashlesha – Shatabhisha – Krittika
  • When Saturn occupies the Ascendant, the Sun is in the 5th bhava and Mars tenants the 9th bhava.
She should be treated as a girl born on Vishakanya Yoga.
It literally means, on a particular day, on a particular star and on a particular nakshatra, if a person is born, then the person should be treated on this Visha Kanya Yoga. Its a very rare combination but its one of the most interesting doshas that is hidden.

Parashara has his own theory on this one... he said there are also cancellations.
  • When the lord of the 7th house occupies its own house, as counted from either the Ascendant or from the Moon.
  • When a benefic occupies the 7th house, counted from either the Ascendant or from the Moon.
Visha kanya combinations can, for both males and females, foster heightened susceptibility to alcohol, drugs, or tobacco, lactose intolerance, environmental and emotional sensitivities, food abuse, and other such over reactive states.

Why 9th house? and Why Navamsa is given importance

Why 9th house? and Why Navamsa is given importance

Now, as per parashara Lord Vishnu took nine forms to represent nine planets.

Sun - Rama
Moon - Krishna
Mars - Narasimha
Mercury - Balarama
Jupiter - Vaamna
Venus - Parsuram
Saturn - Koorma
Rahu - Varaha
Ketu - Matsya

9 = There are nine planets
9 = 27 Nakshatras (2+7=9)
9 = The Japa mala contains 108 beads (1+0+8=9).
9 = Ashtottaram (Ashtottaram means 108 i.e.1+0+8=9
9 = Sahasranaamaarchana (1+0+0+8=1008)
9 = Durga navrathri
9 = Lord Rama born in Navami
9 = Lord Vishnu took nine avatars (incarnations)except Kalki avatar
9 = Nine gems
9 = Ninth house in our horoscope represents Fortune (Bhagya sthana)
9 = Mother carries her baby for 9 months in her womb.
Now we obvously know 9 forms of Lord Narasimha.

If you sit down and think, in ancient scriptures, lot of things are 9 or when their all digits are total calculated.... it rounds up to 9

There is a reason why 9, 9th house and navamsa is so important... This is reason why 9th house is also house of Dharma.


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