Triyuginarayan - Wedding Destination of Lord Shiva

Triyuginarayan - Wedding Destination of Lord Shiva

Triyuginarayan is a well known Hindu pilgrimage located in the Rudraprayag district of Uttarakhand. This picturesque village is perched at an elevation of 1,980 and offers panoramic views of snow covered mountains of the beauteous Garhwal region in Himalaya. The centre of attraction of this place is the TriyugiNarayan also known as the Trijugi Narayan temple dedicated to the preserver, Lord Vishnu.

The architecture of this temple resembles to that of Badrinath shrine. Triyugi Narayan temple is the place where the celestial wedding of Lord Shiva and Goddess Parvati took place and witnesses by Lord Vishnu. As a result, Triyugi Narayan is dedicated to Lord Vishnu and is visited by thousands of devotees and pilgrims. According to Hindu mythology, goddess Parvati was daughter of Himavat or Himavan – the personification of the Himalayas. She was the rebirth of Sati, the first wife of Shiva – who sacrificed her life when her father insulted Shiva.

Parvati initially tried to allure Shiva by her beauty, but fails. Finally, she won Shiva by practising rigorous penance at Gauri Kund, which is 5 kilometres away from Triyuginarayan. Pilgrims visiting Triyuginaryan temple also visit the Gauri Kund temple, dedicated to Parvati, which is the base camp for trek to Kedarnath Temple. Mythology states that Shiva proposed to Parvati at Guptakashi, before they got married in the small Triyuginarayan village at the confluence of Mandakini and Sone-Ganga rivers. Triyuginarayan is believed to be the capital of Himavat. It was the venue of the celestial marriage of Shiva and Parvati, during the Satya Yuga, witnessed in the presence of the holy fire that still burns eternally in front of the temple in a Havana-kund or Agni-kund, a four-cornered fireplace on the ground. Vishnu formalised the wedding and acted as Parvati's brother in the ceremonies, while the creator-god Brahma acted as the priest of the wedding, that was witnessed by all the sages of the times.

The exact location of the wedding is marked by a stone called Brahma Shila, in front of the temple.The greatness of this place is also recorded in a sthala-purana (a scripture specific to a pilgrimage centre). According to the scripture, pilgrims who visit this temple consider the ashes from the burning fire as holy and carry it with them. It is also believed that ashes from this fire are supposed to promote conjugal bliss. Before the marriage ceremony, the gods are believed to have taken bath in four kunds or small ponds namely, Rudra-kund, Vishnu-kund and Brahma-kund. The inflow into the three kunds is from the Saraswati-kund, which – according to legend – originated from Vishnu's navel. Hence, the water of these kunds is considered to cure infertility. The ashes from Havana-kund are supposed to promote conjugal bliss. Nowdays, Triyuginarayan is getting popular day by day as a famous wedding destination. Many celebrity in the past years married here to take the blessings of Lord Vishnu and Shiva for a successful marriage.

The Sem Mukhem Nagraja Temple, Uttarakhand

The Sem Mukhem Nagraja Temple, Uttarakhand

The Sem Mukhem Nagraja is an ancient temple dedicated to Lord Krishna (who is also known as Nagraja). The Sem Mukhem Nagraja or the temple of the king of snakes is one of the famous Nagatirthas or snake pilgrimage sites in the whole of Indian sub continent. According to the followers this is the original layer of the Nag raja. The temple complex is very sturdily built and quite old. The style used in the architecture of Sem Mukhem Nagraja temple is very familiar with the style adopted to build the revered seat of Lord Shiva, the Kedarnath Temple. The door of the temple is very religiously built. It portrays the mythological scenario in which the Nag raja is spreading out his fan while the great proprietary god, Lord Vishnu is playing his flute atop the Nag raja.

After entering the sacred sanctum through this grand gate the travelers will see the self appeared or swambhu idol of the Nag raja. The natural beauty around the temple is very alluring. It pleases the travelers and the devotees alike. The verdant natural garden and the high mountain peak all around the temple valley making the sacred temple an embodiment of peacefulness and spirituality. On the way to Srinagar from Uttarakhand there is a little town named Godalia and for here only the visitors can travel up to New Tehri from where the road to Lambgaon Lake opens up. It from this juncture onwards, the travelling to Sem Mukhem Nagraja sacred temple and religious shrine begins. The visitors from all across the country come and visit the Sem Mukhem Nagraja for offering prayers and receiving blessings.

S​hri Kashi Vishwanath Temple - Uttarkashi (Uttarakhand)

S​hri Kashi Vishwanath Temple - Uttarkashi (Uttarakhand)

Shri Kashi Vishwanath Temple is one of the famous temples of Hindus, this temple is situated in Uttarkashi, Uttarakhand India. Shri Kashi Vishwanath Temple is one of the oldest and most sacred temples in Uttarkashi. Shri Kashi Vishwanath Temple is situated on the banks of Bhagirathi river. this temple is dedicated to Lord Shiva. This river comes from Gangotri Dham. The magnificent and picturesque landscapes of the mountains can be seen around the temple.

This temple in Uttarkashi is considered to be part of the Char Dham Yatra due to its popularity, which pilgrims visit Gangotri Dham, it certainly does the Darshan of Lord Shiva in this famous temple of Uttarkashi.

It is believed that this temple was built by Parashurama. Later, Sudarshan's wife, Maharani Khanti, rebuilt it in 1857.

Lord Shiva's Shivling is established in Shri Kashi Vishwanath temple, which is 56 centimeters tall and the direction of Shivling is towards south direction. In the sanctum sanctorum of the temple, Goddess Parvati and Ganesh are also here. In the outer room of the temple is Nandini. The idol of sakshi Gopal and Rishi Markandeya are seen represented here as in meditation.

Shakti Temple

Shakti temple is situated in front of Vishwanath temple, which dedicated to Devi Parvati. The main attraction here is a huge and heavy trident - which is about 26 feet in height, which was thrown on the devils by Goddess Durga.

The power of the mother is seen here as a huge trident, which is estimated to be triden more than 1500 years old and this Trishul is considered one of the oldest remains of Uttarakhand. It is an indication of the extensive Indo-Tibetan culture exchange of Tibetan inscriptions in ancient times. The description of the Naga dynasty is marked on the Metal Trident, which is 26 feet high, placed near the main Shiva temple.

One amazing feature of the trishul is that it cannot be moved with your entire body force but it vibrates the moment you apply pressure with one of your fingers.

श्री काशी विश्वनाथ मंदिर हिन्दूओं के प्रसिद्ध मंदिरों में से एक है यह मंदिर उत्तरकाशी, उत्तराखण्ड भारत में से स्थित है। श्री काशी विश्वनाथ मंदिर उत्तरकाशी में सबसे पुराना और सबसे पवित्र मंदिरों में से एक है। श्री काशी विश्वनाथ मंदिर भागीरथी नदी के किनारे स्थित है। यह मंदिर भगवान शिव को समर्पित है। यह नदी गंगोत्री धाम से आती है। मंदिर के आसपास पहाड़ों के शानदार व मनमोहक प्राकृतिक दृश्य देखे जा सकते है।

उत्तरकाशी में यह मंदिर अपनी लोकप्रियता के कारण चार धाम यात्रा का हिस्सा भी माना जाता है जो तीर्थयात्री गंगोत्री धाम की यात्रा करते है, वह उत्तरकाशी के इस प्रसिद्ध मंदिर में भगवान शिव के दर्शन जरूर करता है।

ऐसा माना जाता है कि यह मंदिर परशुराम द्वारा बनाया गया था। बाद में, सुदर्शन की पत्नी महारानी खानेटी ने 1857 में इसका पुननिर्माण किया था।
श्री काशी विश्वनाथ मंदिर में भगवान शिव का शिवलिंग स्थापित है जिसकी ऊंचाई 56 सेंटीमीटर तथा शिवलिंग का झुकाव दक्षिण दिशा की ओर है। मंदिर के गर्भगृह में, देवी पार्वती और गणेश भी विराजमान है। मंदिर के बाहरी कक्ष में नदंी है। ध्यान गोपाल और ऋषि मार्कंडेय की मूर्ति यहां ध्यान मुद्रा में है।

शक्ति मंदिर
देवी पार्वती को समर्पित शक्ति मंदिर, विश्वनाथ मंदिर के ठीक सामने स्थित है। यहां का मुख्य आकर्षण एक विशाल और भारी त्रिशूल है - जिसकी ऊंचाई में लगभग 26 फुट है जो देवी दुर्गा द्वारा शैतानों पर फेंका गया था।

मां की शक्ति को, यहां एक विशाल त्रिशूल के रूप में देखा जाता है, जिसका अनुमान यह त्रिशूल लगभग 1500 वर्ष से अधिक पुराना है और इस त्रिशूल को उत्तराखंड के सबसे पुराने अवशेषों में से एक माना जाता है। यह प्राचीन समय में तिब्बती शिलालेखों का व्यापक इंडो-तिब्बती संस्कृति आदान-प्रदान का संकेत है। नागा राजवंश का ब्योरा मेटल ट्राइडेंट पर अंकित है जो कि 26 फीट ऊँचा है, मुख्य शिव मंदिर के समीप रखा गया है।

त्रिशूल की एक आश्चर्यजनक विशेषता यह है कि त्रिशूल आपके पूरे शरीर के बल से नहीं हिलाया जा सकता है, लेकिन हाथ के एक उंगली से यह त्रिशूल हिल जाता है


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