Vedic Astrology

Vedic Astrology

Vish Yoga in Astrology Saturn and Moon Combination

Vish Yoga in Astrology Saturn and Moon Combination

Vish Yoga is a combination that occurs in a horoscope when Saturn and Moon come together. The term "Vish" means poison, indicating that this combination can have harmful effects on an individual's life. This conjunction takes place approximately every 27 days as the Moon completes its rotation of the Earth and travels through the twelve signs of the zodiac. During the 2½ days each month when this combination occurs, it is advised to avoid making important decisions as they may lead to stress.

In Vedic Astrology, Vish Yoga is also known as Shani-Chandra Yoga. It occurs when Saturn and Moon are conjunct in the same sign, in mutual aspect (opposing each other), or exchanging signs and Nakshatras. The negative thoughts associated with this combination will depend on the specific divisional chart it appears in. For example, if it is in the D9 chart, negative thoughts about marriage may arise, whereas if it is in the D10 chart, negative thoughts related to career may surface.

The effects of Vish Yoga are generally unfavorable, but the intensity can vary based on individual factors in the horoscope. If the conjunction is less than 12 degrees apart, it is considered extremely negative. Additionally, if it occurs in signs that are enemies to both Moon and Saturn, such as Scorpio, the effects can be very severe, especially if it happens in the 6th, 8th, or 12th house. The presence of other malefic or inimical planets like Mars, Rahu, and Ketu can further exacerbate the condition, requiring remedies such as psychological therapy to alleviate or lessen the negative impact.

Individuals with this conjunction often struggle with emotional and mental conditions that cause them to magnify problems and engage in self-destructive behavior. They may also develop attachments to toxic circumstances and harmful companions.

From an astrological perspective, Saturn represents poisonous substances, while the Moon represents illusion and fluctuating emotions. Therefore, Saturn "poisons" the mind and emotions represented by the Moon. Saturn is also associated with fear, coldness, oppression, scarcity, poverty, and hard work, while the Moon represents emotions, love, affection, and motherhood. These two planets have contrasting characteristics, and when they come together in a horoscope, there is a clash between their opposing qualities. This can result in confusion, depression, and self-defeating behavior. Individuals with this conjunction may struggle in areas such as love, relationships, and overall life success unless they seek help and remedies to improve their condition.

The placement of Vish Yoga in different houses of the horoscope will have specific effects. For example, if it occurs in the 1st house, it can lead to confusion, depression, and lack of self-confidence. In the 2nd house, it may result in financial difficulties, negative speech, and dental issues. The specific effects vary depending on the house where the conjunction occurs.

There are ways to improve the ill effects of Vish Yoga in one's horoscope. The influence of Jupiter can help to mitigate the negative effects, especially if it is present in a sign owned by a natural benefic planet like Taurus, Libra, Gemini, Virgo, Sagittarius, or Pisces. Signs of air and earth elements are considered more favorable for this conjunction compared to signs of water and fire elements. The specific house where the conjunction occurs can also affect the intensity of the negative effects, with Kendra and Trikona houses being more favorable.

Other combinations and Yogas can also cancel out or lessen the malefic effects of Vish Yoga. For example, if the conjunction occurs in Scorpio but Mars is exalted or present in a Kendra house, the negative effects are greatly reduced. Additionally, a better scenario in the D9 chart (Navamsa) after the age of 36 can also improve the condition.

To mitigate the ill effects, individuals with this conjunction can follow certain remedies. For the Moon, fasting on Mondays or avoiding animal-based food and dairy products can be helpful. Donating fruits or vegetable-based food to those in need is also recommended. On every Full Moon, reciting the mantra OM TAT SAT while holding a plate of water to reflect the Full Moon's light can have a positive influence.

For Saturn, fasting on Saturdays or avoiding meat is advised. Feeding small animals like birds, cats, and dogs can also provide relief from the negative effects. Maintaining a good relationship with one's mother and servants, as well as taking care of personal hygiene, are additional remedies for both Saturn and Moon.

Ultimately, acts of charity, love, and kindness towards all beings can have the most profound impact in mitigating the negative effects of Vish Yoga. These actions not only resolve karmic problems but also benefit others around us.

Book Vish Yog Dosh Nivaran Puja

Critical Analysis of Various Classes of Jaimini Rashi-Dashas

Critical Analysis of Various Classes of Jaimini Rashi-Dashas

1) Chara Dasha Class :

Jaimini Chara Dasha (JCD) and Jaimini Trikona Dasha (JTD) belong to this elegance.

In case of Jaimini Chara Dasha (JCD), as in line with the method* of Raghava Bhatta & Nrisimha Suri (RB-NS method), the commencing Rashi-Dasha will become special relying at the 'gender' of the local :

(a) For 'male' men and women, the starting off Rashi-Dasha is constantly of the Ascendant-sign.

(b) For 'lady' humans, there are options :

(i) if the Ascendant-signal is "odd", then the commencement is from the 4th-sign as reckoned from the Ascendant-signal. But,

(ii) if the Ascendant-sign is "even", then the commencement is from the 10th-signal as reckoned from the Ascendant-signal.

In case of Jaimini Trikona Dasha (JTD), as per the approach of Raghava Bhatta & Nrisimha Suri (RB-NS approach), the most powerful sign most of the Ascendant, the fifth from it, and the ninth from it. Then the setting out Rashi-Dasha will become distinct depending on the 'gender' of the local :

(a) For 'male' people, the starting off Rashi-Dasha is usually of the strongest sign (the various 3 signs - as cited above).

(b) For 'lady' folks, there are alternatives :

(i) if the Ascendant-sign is "odd", then the graduation is from the 4th-sign as reckoned from the most powerful signal (a few of the three signs and symptoms - as stated above). But,

(ii) if the Ascendant-sign is "even", then the graduation is from the tenth-sign as reckoned from strongest sign (a number of the three symptoms - as mentioned above).

It can therefore be visible that if the Ascendant-sign turns into the strongest signal (most of the three signs and symptoms - as noted above), then Jaimini Chara Dasha (JCD) and Jaimini Trikona Dasha (JTD) will become precisely equal.

However, in maximum cases (roughly 2 cases out of 3, or approximately sixty seven%), these can be one of a kind. In such cases, Jaimini Trikona Dasha (JTD) will be exclusive from Jaimini Chara Dasha (JCD). For timing of a few auspicious activities like marriage and childbirth, Trikona Dasha (JTD) often gives higher consequences than Chara Dasha (JCD) - this has been determined to be greater so in case of 'female' men and women.

[ SPECIAL NOTE : There is another method - known as Neelkantha's method* for reckoning of Jaimini Chara Dasha; It is based on Oja-pada/ Visama-pada signs, and in this system the set-up of the Dashas and their durations become different. In this method, the divisions and sub-divisions are also different. But as for the purpose of narrow-range 'timing of events', this method has not been found to be at all dependable, I have deliberately avoided any discussion about this particular method , and it's use for 'timing of events'. ]

The Duration of Dashas :

The duration of Dashas in each Jaimini Chara Dasha (JCD) and Jaimini Trikona Dasha are reckoned inside the same way. The periods are variable, and are depending on the location of the signal-lord with reference to the signal. Excepting the 2 special cases cited in following - as in step with Cond (i) and (ii), the length relies upon on the depend from the signal-lord to the sign - as according to Cond (iii) (a) and (b). The mode of counting but varies depending upon whether the lord of the Dasha-sign is situated in an "unusual" signal or "even" sign :

(i) If the signal-lord is located in own-sign up that very sign itself , then the Dasha-duration of the signal is 12 years., Else,

(ii) If the sign-lord is situated in the contrary sign (that is, within the seventh from it), then the Dasha- duration of the signal is 10 years., Else,

(iii) It could be dependent on the signal-rely from the location of the sign-lord to the signal :

(a) If the signal-lord is located in an "strange" sign, then the signCount can be in "zodiacal" order - from the sign-lord to the sign, and the period of the Dasha can be = (SignCount - 1) year/s. But,

(b) If the signal-lord is located in an "even" signal, then the SignCount may be in "reversed" order - from the signal-lord to the sign, and the duration of the Dasha can be = (SignCount - 1) year/s.

Thus, the intervals of any sign in either of those Dasha-systems can variety from 1 12 months (minimum) to twelve years (maximum).


For Jaimini Chara Dasha, there may be every other interesting technique of divisions and sub-divisions. In this method, the Dasha period is first divided into three equal elements - in phrases of "Drekkanas" of the sign. These divisions may be termed as CD (as C in English is the third letter). Each of those divisions might also in addition be divided into 10 equal parts - in terms of "Dashamamsha" of the signal. These divisions can be termed as XD (as X in Roman = 10). Each of these divisions may in addition be divided into 12 same elements - in terms of "Dwadashamsha" of the sign. These divisions can be termed as LD (as L in English is the 12th letter). ... Thus, each Dasha can be subdivided into three * 10 * 12 = 360 equal divisions.

As the duration of a JCD may be from 1 year (minimum) to 12 years (most), the minute sub-divisions on this approach can be from 1 day (minimal) to twelve days (maximum). This will be the "unit" for timing of events. If someone profits some experience for finding "inter-relationships" among the MDS (Main Dasha sign), CDS (Drekkana sign), XDS (Dashamamsha signal), LDS (Dwadashamsa signal).

Drekkana divisions of Signs (CDS) : There might be 3 equal divisions. The first part is the signal itself, then the second part is the 5th sign from it, then the 0.33 element is the 9th sign from it. The order of succession will be in regular "zodiacal" order.

Dashamamsha divisions of Signs (XDS) : If the Drekkana Sign (CDS) is "extraordinary", then the ten same divisions will commence from the CDS. But if the Drekkana Sign (CDS) is "even", then the ten divisions will start from the 9th signal from the CDS. The order of succession can be in usual "zodiacal" order.

Dwadashamsha divisions of Signs (LDS) the 12 equal divisions will start from the XDS. The order of in succession is normal "zodiacal" order.

(2) Sthira Dasha Classes :

(2). (a). Main Class:

Jaimini Sthira Dasha (JSD) and Brahma Graha Dasha (BGD) belong to this class.

In case of Jaimini Sthira Dasha (JSD) additionally, the commencing Rashi-Dasha turns into one-of-a-kind depending at the 'gender' of the native :

(a) For 'male' persons, the taking off Rashi-Dasha is always of the "more potent" sign between the Ascendant-signal and the seventh from it.

(b) For 'female' individuals, there are two options :

(i) if the Ascendant-signal is "bizarre", then the commencement is from the "stronger" signal among the and the 4th and the 7th from the Ascendant-signal. But,

(ii) if the Ascendant-signal is "even", then the commencement is from the "stronger" signal among the and the 10th and the 7th from the Ascendant-sign.

In case of Brahma Graha Dasha, it commences from the sign occupied by means of the Brahma-Graha* (Upon pleasurable positive particular situations, a specific planet turns into the Brahma-Graha in a particular chart).

Now, Brahma-Graha planet is probably located in any sign - which includes the "more potent" signal among the Ascendant and the seventh from it. As such, in a few cases (approximately 1 in 12, or 8.33%), Sthira Dasha and Brahma Graha Dasha will become same. But in maximum cases, those two Dasha set-u.S.A.May be one-of-a-kind.

The Duration of Dashas :

These are similar to in Mandooka Dasha (and Trikuta Dasha), here the periods are "constant" - relying at the constitutional nature of the symptoms :

(i) If the sign is Chara (movable), then the Dasha-length of the signal is 7 years.,

(ii) If the sign is Sthira (constant), then the Dasha-duration of the sign is eight years., and

(iii) If the sign is Ubhaya (not unusual), then the Dasha-period of the signal is 9 years.

Jaimini Sthira Dasha and Brahma Graha Dasha

Jaimini Sthira Dasha and Brahma Graha Dasha

(i) In case of 'male' natives, starting off from the stronger sign, it proceeds in ordinary succession in "zodiacal" order if the starting off sign is "peculiar"; it proceeds in regular succession in "reversed" order if the setting out signal is "even". And,

(ii) In case of 'girl' natives, starting up from the more potent sign, it proceeds in normal succession in "reversed" order if the setting out signal is "abnormal"; it proceeds in ordinary succession in "zodiacal" order if the taking off sign is "even".

Special usefulness of Jaimini Sthira Dasha and Brahma Graha Dasha :

Sthira Dasha is probably the very first-class of all Jaimini Dasha-systems for finding records about fitness and disorder, possibility of accidental mishaps, longevity (of self, and additionally of close household like the ones of mother and father, partner, etc), and the like. But when those two Dasha set-united statesare different, Brahma Graha Dasha will become a exceptionally better indicator for possible unfavorable happenings of more severe kind - like possibility of getting into disputes with the punitive authorities, or issues from hardcore criminals or sworn enemies, and so on.

(2). (b). Auxiliary Class:

Jaimini Mandooka Dasha and Jaimini Trikuta Dasha belong to this magnificence.

In case of Mandooka Dasha, the starting up Rashi-Dasha is of the "strongest" sign some of the Ascendant, the 5th from it, and the ninth from it.

In case of Trikuta Dasha, the taking off Rashi-Dasha is of the "stronger" signal among the Ascendant and the 7th from it.

But in both the cases, the order of succession varies - relying on the 'gender' of the local :

*** SPECIAL NOTE : If among the 2 trinal signs and symptoms (the 5th, and the 9th), best one sign is occupied by using one or extra planet/s, while the alternative signal remains unoccupied via any planet, then Mandooka Dasha will provide more dependable effects. And,

If every of the two signs of a couple of opposite signs (Ascendant & the 7th, or the 2nd & the 8th, or the 3rd & the ninth, and so on), are occupied by means of one or greater planet/s, then Trikuta Dasha will provide more reliable consequences.

In case of Jaimini Mandooka Dasha :

(i) In case of 'male' natives, taking off from the stronger sign, it proceeds to the "trines" in "zodiacal" order; like (1st*, 5th, 9th), then (second, sixth, 10th), then (third, 7th, 11th), then (4th, 8th, twelfth). ... Here, the 1st does not always suggest the Ascendant; as a substitute it is the "stronger" signal between the Ascendant and the 7th from it. And,

(ii) In case of 'lady' natives, starting up from the more potent signal, it proceeds to "trines" in "reversed" order; like (1st*, 9th, fifth), then (twelfth, eighth, 4th), then (11th, seventh, 3rd), then (12th, 8th, 4th). ... Here additionally, the 1st does not always mean the Ascendant; instead it's miles the "stronger" sign among the Ascendant and the 7th from it.

In case of Jaimini Trikuta Dasha :

(i) In case of 'male' natives, commencing from the more potent sign, it proceeds to the "opposites" in "zodiacal" order - in a similar manner like Sthira Dasha; like (1st*, 7th), then (2nd, eighth), then (3rd, ninth), then (4th, 10th), then (5th, eleventh), then (sixth, 12th). ... Here, the first does now not necessarily mean the Ascendant; as a substitute it is the "more potent" signal between the Ascendant and the seventh from it. And,

(ii) In case of 'lady' natives, taking off from the stronger signal, it proceeds to the "opposites" in "reversed" order - in a similar way like Sthira Dasha; like (1st*, 7th), then (12th, sixth), then (11th, fifth), then (tenth, 4th), then (9th, 3rd), then (8th, 2d). ... Here additionally, the first does not necessarily mean the Ascendant; rather it's far the "stronger" sign among the Ascendant and the 7th from it.

Thus, it's far quite obvious that Trikuta Dasha is simply a "re-arranged" form of Mandooka Dasha.

The Duration of Dashas :

These are similar to in Sthira Dasha (and in Brahma Graha Dasha), right here the intervals are "fixed" - depending at the constitutional nature of the symptoms :

(i) If the signal is Chara (movable), then the Dasha-duration of the sign is 7 years.,

(ii) If the signal is Sthira (fixed), then the Dasha-duration of the sign is 8 years., and

(iii) If the signal is Ubhaya (not unusual), then the Dasha-length of the sign is nine years.

Special Role of the "Hara"* Planet :

The "Hara"* planet performs a very vital role in delineation of consequences in Mandooka Dasha and Trikuta Dasha (Upon enjoyable sure precise situations, a selected planet turns into the "Hara"* planet in a specific chart). It is taken into consideration for it's capacity dangerous results.

The Dasha/ Bhukti periods - as according to Mandooka Dasha and Trikuta Dasha - of the sign wherein the "Hara"* planet is located can also and can carry in critical problems and extreme difficulties. It might be more so if the Dasha is of the signal in which the "Hara"* planet is located - whereas the Bhukti is of the signal of the eighth-residence, or if the Bhukti is of the sign wherein the "Hara"* planet is situated - while the Dasha is of the signal of the 8th-residence. However, this mixture does no longer continuously operate in all the charts - as some of the signs and symptoms will not have their Bhukti-periods in a selected Dasha (All the Dashas of the Sthira Dasha class may have 7 or eight or 9 Bhuktis best).

If the eighth residence-sign bears a few out-of-regular ache in any horoscope, then the Mandooka Dasha or Trikuta Dasha of the 8th house-signal can prove to be an incredibly complex duration in a person's lifestyles. During such periods, the natives be afflicted by a few unexpected difficulties, unexpected causes, calamitous happenings which might also prove to be ruinous - which may additionally and might even exchange the route of someone's life. It is a 'pointer', which should appeal to the interest and interest of the scholars of Astrology - given that in case of about 50% humans, the Dasha-length of the 8th house-signal runs throughout a completely inclined age-length - which can be termed as a length of 'transition', and the natives are apt to fall prey to temptations and "slip off the song"; therefore their course of existence may also also be completely modified.

For 'male' human beings, if the 7th is the "stronger" sign (between the Ascendant and the seventh from it), then :

(i) If the Ascendant is a Chara (movable) signal, then the Trikuta Dasha of the 8th house-signal will run for eight years : from fifteenth 12 months to twenty second yr.

(ii) If the Ascendant is a Sthira (fixed) signal, then the Trikuta Dasha of the eighth residence-sign will run for 9 years : from 17th 12 months to twenty fifth 12 months.

(iii) If the Ascendant is a Ubhaya (movable) signal, then the Trikuta Dasha of the 8th house-sign will run for 7 years : from 19th year to twenty fifth year.

(iv) If the Ascendant is a Chara (movable) sign, then the Mandooka Dasha of the 8th house-signal will run for eight years : from twenty fifth 12 months to 32nd 12 months.

(v) If the Ascendant is a Sthira (constant) signal, then the Mandooka Dasha of the eighth residence-signal will run for 9 years : from twenty fifth 12 months to 33rd year.

(vi) If the Ascendant is a Ubhaya (movable) signal, then the Mandooka Dasha of the eighth house-signal will run for 7 years : from twenty fifth yr to 31st 12 months.

For 'female' people, if the Ascendant is the "stronger" sign (among the Ascendant and the 7th from it), then :

(i) If the Ascendant is a Chara (movable) signal, then the Mandooka Dasha of the eighth house-sign will run for 8 years : from 34th year to 41st yr.

(ii) If the Ascendant is a Sthira (fixed) sign, then the Mandooka Dasha of the eighth residence-signal will run for nine years : from thirty second 12 months to fortieth year.

(iii) If the Ascendant is a Ubhaya (movable) sign, then the Mandooka Dasha of the eighth residence-signal will run for 7 years : from 33rd 12 months to 39th 12 months.

As in keeping with traditional Astrological ideas, the eighth-residence is considered to be the residence of marrital properly-being (mangalya) in case of lady natives. The age-period starting from 32 or 33 or 34 and extending as much as 39 or forty or 41 is quite evidently a totally important time-duration inside the married life. ... Now, if we need to envision what is there in store of the person lady native, we have to choose the condition of the 8th house, and Jaimini Mandooka Dasha can be very advantageously used for locating the possible happenings during the length.

As per conventional Astrological principles, the 8th-residence is taken into consideration to be the house of accidental mishaps, untoward happenings, debacles in career, and many others - more so in case of male natives. The age-period starting from 32 or 33 or 34 and extending as much as 39 or forty or forty one is quite naturally a completely crucial time-length within the individual's career. ... Now, if we need to check what is there in store of the man or woman male native, we ought to decide the situation of the eighth house, and Jaimini Mandooka Dasha may be very advantageously used for finding the feasible happenings at some point of the length.

As a rule, if the 8th-house is under 'Subha-Kartari Yoga', or if the 8th-residence is occupied by the 8th-lord itself (or jaspected by using it), or if an exalted planet is located in it (or jaspects it), or if natural benefic planet/s is/ are situated in it (or jaspects it), or if the eighth-lord is located either in it's exaltation signal or in own sign, then at some point of this period of the 8th house-signal, handiest very favorable results can fairly be regarded ahead to.

Similarly, if the eighth-house is under 'Papa-Kartari Yoga', or if a debilitated planet is located in it the 8th-residence (or jaspected by it), or if natural malefic planet/s - which are neither exalted nor located in in personal signal or very own megastar - is/ are located in it (or jaspects it), or if the 8th-lord is situated both in it's debilitation sign, then for the duration of this period of the eighth residence-sign, then unfavourable effects of great type are very plenty likely to appear.

When the impacts are determined to be of benefic planets and malefic planets both, then it is going without announcing that simplest combined influences will be successful. For ascertaining the ideal nature of events, we additionally should decide the Bhukti signs and symptoms, and the inter-courting between the same house-lords - as reckoned from the Dasha-signal (DS), the Bhukti-sign (BS), and the Ascendant.

If the 8th-lord and the 11th-lords are worried in "sign-alternate", and no modifying impacts are present within the chart, then it may bring in grave dangers; the native can face critical troubles from criminals, and/ or troubles from police. If one of the planets is Mars, while the opposite planet is likewise a herbal malefic, then it can be construed as a totally confirmatory indication.

If the 11th-lord in the eighth, or if the 8th-lord is in 11th (this is, it isn't always signal-trade, however is an one manner moving most effective), then also the character might also run the threat of becoming a victim of the wrath of the authorities/ superiors, and may must face many difficulties from numerous different assets.

If out of the 3 dire malefic planets - Mars, Rahu, and Saturn - if two or greater planets have an impact on the 8th residence-signal with the aid of being situated in or jaspecting it, and if those influencing planets are neither situated in exaltation sign or in personal sign or in own megastar, and there aren't any modifying impacts aren't present within the chart, then serious difficulties may get up, and happiness in married lifestyles may be very badly affected. The depth of the issues could be further heightened if the influencing planets are located to be retrograde.

Jaimini Mandooka Dasha is relevant to a Divisional chart - the Ekadashamsha (D-11). As the chart is alternately known as Rudramsha, for the cause of differentiation, the brand new Mandooka Dasha set-up might be termed as "Rudra-Mandooka Dasha". By following the equal set of concepts, conventional Astrological logic and reasoning, this Dasha can be successfully applied for locating the nature of- and timing of- viable outcome in case of contests (like elections), law-suits, confiscations by punitive government, crook or departmental court cases, etc. In it, reference is to be made to the divisional chart (D-eleven) - and now not to the Lagna Kundali. In this also, the unit of timing of occasion can be Antara - which lasts for 1 month simplest.

(3). Karaka Dasha magnificence :

Atma-Karaka Dasha and Upa-Karaka Graha Dasha belong to this magnificence.

These two Dasha systems are useful chiefly for finding the "possibilities in the sphere of career" for the humans who're actively engaged in profession, or are desirous to achieve this. (These Dasha structures will therefore have rarely any use for the humans like popular housewives and other ladies - who are neither actively engaged in any career, nor are at all wanting to achieve this). It is to be cited that the Atma-Karaka Dasha is the "principal", the Upa-Karaka Graha Dasha is "auxiliary" to it. For timing of activities, the Atma-Karaka Dasha is consequently more dependable. Upa-Karaka Graha Dasha intervals indicate circumstantial benefits or lack of it. When the equal/ comparable symptoms and the identical/ similar timings are obtained from both the Dasha systems, then the warning signs emerge as very confirmatory.

These Dasha structures are mixed intervals of Signs and Planets - in which each are of equal importance. If in a signal, there are or extra planets, then the same sign will appear as often as there are planets in it - but on every occasion the "co-significator" Planet could be one-of-a-kind. If there are no planets in a sign, then it's going to now not seem within the Dasha set-up. Since in overall there are 9 planets (Sun to Ketu), there could be nine Dasha-durations in general inside the set-up.

Atma-Karaka Dasha commences from the signal occupied by way of the "Atma-Karaka"* planet inside the chart. For locating the Atma-Karaka, "Ashta-Karaka" method (Sun to Rahu*) is to be accompanied. And, for evaluating the Krishamshas of planets, Rahu's Krishamsha is to be taken as to be same to it's sign-complement (this is, x = 30* - Krishamsha of Rahu). ... But the equal process will no longer practice to any of the 'tara-grahas' (planets Mars to Saturn) - even supposing the planet is discovered to be 'retrograde'.

Upa-Karaka Graha Dasha commences from the signal occupied through the "Upa-Karaka Graha"* planet inside the chart. Although at the start the time period utilized in Jaimini Astrology is 'UpaGraha', since it's far in truth neither a Sun-based totally UpaGraha (like Dhuma) nor a Weekday-based UpaGraha (like Gulika) - as an alternative that is virtually a planet (Sun to Saturn) - the usage of the time period "Upa-Karaka Graha" is higher and more significant.

In the two hemispheres inside the chart (from the Ascendant point to Descenant factor, and from the Descendant factor to Ascendant), first it's far discovered which planet has traversed most ahead in phrases of signs. If two or extra planets are found (inside the identical hemisphere or exceptional hemisphere), then the planet who has traversed most in terms of Krishamsha will become the "Upa-Karaka Graha".

The Succession of Dashas :

In both the systems range relying at the 'gender' of the local. For male humans, it's miles inside the order of Kendra-Panaphara-Apoklima, even as in case of lady human beings, it is within the order of Kendra-Apoklima-Panaphara.

(i) In case of male humans, the succession is in "zodiacal" order. ... Thus it's miles Kendra (1-4-7-10), followed by way of Panaphara (2-five-eight-eleven), then observed by means of Apoklima (3-6-nine-12) homes - beginning from their respective Commencing Sign.

(ii) In case of girl humans, the succession is in "reversed" order. ... Thus it is Kendra (1-10-7-four), observed via Apoklima (12-9-6-three), then followed through Panaphara (11-eight-five-2) houses - starting from their respective Commencing Sign.

The Duration of Dashas :

The function of the person planets are counted severally from (i) the Ascendant, and (ii) the seventh residence-sign. Out of the 2 counts, whichever remember is located to be better is taken as to be the Dasha-duration - in terms of years.

Thus, if a planet is located both situated inside the Ascendant or inside the 7th house-sign, then it is Dasha-period will be 7 years (as that is the higher matter between the two counts - from the Ascendant, and from the 7th house-sign); that is the minimum possible duration. ... Similarly, if it's far situated both situated in the twelfth house-signal, or in the 6th house-sign, then it is Dasha-period might be 12 years (as that is the higher depend between the 2 counts - from the Ascendant, and from the 7th house-signal); this is the maximum possible duration. ... For some other role, the better rely may be something among eight and eleven, and that respective discern in years can be the corresponding period for the Dasha-length of that Sign & Planet mixture.

[ N.B. : A difference is to be noted and remembered that in case of Chara Dasha class (Jaimini Chara Dasha and Trikona Dasha), the variable duration of the Dashas = (SignCount - 1) in years; whereas in case of Karaka Dasha class (Atma-Karaka Dasha and Upa-Karaka Graha Dasha), the variable duration of the Dashas = SignCount in years. ]

Certain Special Cases :

If the equal planet turns into the Atma-Karaka Graha and the Upa-Karaka Graha as properly (which can take place in 1 in 7 cases, i.E., approximately 14% instances), or if the Atma-Karaka Graha occurs to be Rahu while it's far situated collectively with the Upa-Karaka Graha planet inside the same signal (which could manifest in 1 in 96 cases, i.E., about 1% cases), then those Dasha set-united states of americaturns into equal. But in maximum instances, these two will become unique.

(1). When those Dasha set-americabecome unique (because it occurs in most cases), if the alternate of Dashas occur simultaneously in both the set-ups, and if the age-length is applicable for having onset of-, or trade of-, profession, then that unique juncture duration becomes a "landmark" inside the man or woman's profession records , and an important and considerable 'exchange' takes vicinity. The actual timing of this type of taking place can in addition be delicate by using taking the year on 'savana' basis (that is, @ 360 days/ yr).

Thus, if in a male individual's chart (D.O.B. 13/ 06/ 1954), this kind of simultaneous change occurs at the age of 21 years, then the actual occasion-marking can be around the age of round [ 21 * ( 360/ 365.256363 ) = ] or round 20 y. Eight m. Eleven d. By adding this age-duration to D.O.B., we reap a period round Date : 24/ 02/ 1975*** .

The real event : Joining in first Service became on : 01/ 03/ 1975***.

(2). Another exciting issue is to be mentioned that once those Dasha set-americagrow to be exceptional (as it occurs in most cases), if the the Dasha of the equal Sign and the same co-ruler Planet operates simultaneously for a few years as according to both the two structures, then the length that is commonplace to each the set-united states of americabring in a few huge changes, and the local becomes very lively and busy . The usual outcomes to be skilled will of path depend on diverse applicable factors - the disposition of the Sign, the disposition of the Planet, planet/s located within the signal (if any), and the planet/s jaspecting the sign (if any).

Thus, if in a male person's chart, as per Atma-Karaka Dasha, Sagittarius (Mars) runs for 11 years : from forty fourth to 54th yr , whilst as per Upa-Karaka Graha Dasha, the equal Sagittarius (Mars) runs for 11 years : from 41st to 51st yr , then the a part of the duration in common to each may be : from 44th to 51st 12 months. ... During this period, the person can have some large changes, and he will continue to be very lively and busy.

More Important Dasha/ Bhukti/ Antara periods :

In those Dasha systems, the Dasha/ Bhukti/ Antara durations of signs and symptoms occupied by the tenth-lord, the fifth-lord, and the "Amatya-Karaka" planets produce favorable outcomes. The intervals of symptoms jaspected through any of those planets also provide favorable effects. Similar effects are expected at some stage in the intervals of signs and symptoms whose lords are located within the 10th or 5th from it, and also while such lords as considered from the Dasha-sign (DS), the Bhukti-sign (BS) and the Ascendant shape harmonious inter-relationships.

Understandably, if enhancing impacts are not present inside the chart, then the Dasha/ Bhukti/ Antara periods of signal occupied by the 8th-lord can also and might produce quite negative consequences. The intervals of signs jaspected this planets additionally gives similar consequences. Similar results are anticipated throughout the intervals of signs and symptoms whose lord is located inside the 8th from it, or the 8th-lord from the signal is situated in it.

If editing affects are not present within the chart, then the intervals of the signal whose lord is "retrograde" located within the 10th or fifth from it can and might produce negative effects. ... This may be extra so if the planet is Saturn, is in the 10th from the signal, and is "retrograde". Similar results are experienced in the course of the intervals of the sign if the tenth-lord or the 5th-lord - as reckoned from the sign - is "retrograde", even as it's miles located in the sign.

If or more "retrograde" malefic planets - considered one of them being a Moon's node (Rahu or Ketu), and the other is a planet (Mars or Saturn or Sun) - are influencing a sign via their scenario or jaspect, even as no editing affects are observed to be gift inside the chart, then detrimental consequences are anticipated at some stage in the intervals of that precise sign.

Abbreviations used within the following illustrative dialogue :

JCD : Jaimini Chara Dasha; RB-NS : Raghava Bhatta & Nrisimha Suri;

DS = Dasha Sign; BS = Bhukti-Sign; AS = Antara-Sign.

Example-1 : Mr. A. K. Jain., D.O.B. : 10/ 08/ 1941., T.O.B. : 02:15 A.M., New Delhi.

Lagna-Kundali : Gemini - Ascendant; Cancer - Sun (9) and Mercury (eight); Leo - Venus (11)*; Virgo - Rahu (12); Aquarius - Moon (25); Pisces - Mars (27) and Ketu (25); Taurus - Jupiter (4) and Saturn (3).

[N.B. : The figures given in parenthesis are the Nakshatra numbers occupied by the planets. ]

In the chart, Venus is situated in very own-megastar*. Mars has attained "Dik-Bala" for being inside the tenth from Ascendant. No planet bears blemish for being combust (close to Sun) or eclipsed (near Rahu/ Ketu) or debilitated. No 'tara-graha' (Mars to Saturn) is retrograde within the chart.

In this Chart, the Amatya-Karaka planet is Mars, and the Dara-Karaka planet is Saturn.

The set-up for Jaimini Chara Dasha (as in keeping with RB-NS technique) for this chart may be as under :

(1). Gemini Dasha : 1 12 months (from 10/ 08/ 1941 to ten/ 08/ 1942).

(2). Libra Dasha : 2 years (from 10/ 08/ 1942 to ten/ 08/ 1944).

(3). Aquarius Dasha : three years (from 10/ 08/ 1944 to 10/ 08/ 1947).

(4). Cancer Dasha : five years (from 10/ 08/ 1947 to 10/ 08/ 1952).

(5). Scorpio Dasha : four years (from 10/ 08/ 1952 to ten/ 08/ 1956).

(6). Pisces Dasha : 2 years (from 10/ 08/ 1956 to ten/ 08/ 1958).

(7). Leo Dasha : eleven years (from 10/ 08/ 1958 to 10/ 08/ 1969).

(8). Sagittarius Dasha : five years (from 10/ 08/ 1969 to ten/ 08/ 1974).

(9). Aries Dasha : 11 years (from 10/ 08/ 1974 to 10/ 08/ 1985).

(10). Virgo Dasha : 10 years (from 10/ 08/ 1985 to 10/ 08/ 1995).

(11). Capricorn Dasha : 4 years (from 10/ 08/ 1995 to 10/ 08/ 1999).

(12). Taurus Dasha : 9 years (from 10/ 08/ 1999 to ten/ 08/ 2008).

Full-cycle* = sixty seven years.

N.B. : The Full-cycle* is a 'time-cycle' handiest; it is not a degree of sturdiness.

(1). Joining in first Service : on 08/ 08/ 1963.

For onset of career and/ or for important modifications in career, the important signs and symptoms are : of the tenth-residence and the fifth-residence; at the same time as the crucial planets are : the 10th-lord, the 5th-lord, and the "Amatya"-Karaka.

So, the essential signs and symptoms (for onset of career) are :

The tenth-residence sign is : Pisces.

The 5th-residence signal is : Libra.

The 10th-lord from the Ascendant (Jupiter) is situated in sign : Taurus.

The fifth-lord from the Ascendant (Venus) is located in signal : Leo.

The tenth-lord from the sign is located in sign : Leo.

The tenth-lord from the signal is located inside the tenth from the Ascendant : Cancer , Aquarius.

The 5th-lord from the sign is located in the 10th from the Ascendant : Cancer , Sagittarius.

The "Amatya"-Karaka (Mars) is located in signal : Pisces.

The 10th-lord from the Ascendant (Jupiter) is situated in the tenth from signal : Leo.

The fifth-lord from the Ascendant (Venus) is situated inside the tenth from sign : Sagittarius.

JCD Leo Dasha become running for 11 years (from 10/ 08/ 1958 to 10/ 08/ 1969). The 10th-lord from DS Leo (Venus) is located in DS Leo; Venus is the fifth-lord from the Ascendant additionally. The 10th-lord from the Ascendant (Jupiter) is situated inside the 10th from DS Leo; Jupiter is the 5th-lord from DS additionally.

Pisces Bhukti in JCD Leo Dasha became running for 1 12 months (from 10/ 08/ 1962 to ten/ 08/ 1963). Pisces is the 10th-house-sign from the Ascendant, and it is sign-lord (Jupiter) is situated within the tenth from DS Leo; Jupiter is the BS-lord and the tenth-lord from BS additionally. ... Besides, the fifth-lord from BS (Moon) is involved in mutual issue with the DS-lord Sun - who is located inside the 5th from BS. ... The Amatya-Karaka planet (Mars) is situated in BS, and is aspecting the tenth from it therefrom.

Cancer Antara in Pisces Bhukti in JCD Leo Dasha become going for walks for 1 month (from 10/ 06/ 1963 to ten/ 07/ 1963). The DS-lord (Sun) and the Ascendant-lord (Mercury) are located in AS (Cancer), and are worried in mutual jaspect with the AS-lord (Moon). The tenth-lord and the fifth-lord from AS (Mars) is situated inside the tenth from the Ascendant.

The Actual Event : Joining in first Service become on 08/ 08/ 1963. ... (There is an obvious time-lag of approximately 4 weeks' most effective. But it have to be mentioned that he had joined in authorities provider - D.B.V. In such instances, letters are despatched to the selected candidates asking them to join properly in advance; the gentleman obtained the letter more than 1 month previous to the actual joining date).

(2). Marriage-rite changed into held : on 19/ eleven/ 1972.

For Marriage-ceremony, the critical sign is : the seventh-house; while the important planets are : the seventh-lord, the herbal significator for marriage (Venus), and the "Dara"-Karaka as in step with Sapta-Karaka (Here, it's far Saturn).

So, the critical signs (for wedding ceremony) are :

The seventh-residence sign is : Sagittarius.

The 7th-lord from the Ascendant (Jupiter) is located in signal : Taurus.

The herbal significator of Marriage (Venus) is located in signal : Leo.

The herbal significator of Marriage (Venus) is situated in the seventh from signal : Aquarius.

The 7th-lord from the sign is located within the 7th from the Ascendant : None.

The "Dara"-Karaka (Saturn) is located in signal : Taurus.

The sign/s whose lord is conjoined with the "Dara-Karaka" (Saturn) : Pisces, Sagittarius.

JCD Sagittarius Dasha was running for five years (from 10/ 08/ 1969 to 10/ 08/ 1974). The Dasha-sign is the 7th-residence-sign itself - therefore the time became exceedingly propitious for the ceremony. The DS-lord (Jupiter) is conjoined with Saturn, who happens to be the Dara-Karaka; except, the combine (Jupiter and Saturn) are worried in mutual jaspect with Mercury, who is the seventh-lord from DS, and it also happens to be the Ascendant-lord.

Aquarius Bhukti in JCD Sagittarius Dasha was jogging for 1 12 months (from 10/ 08/ 1972 to 10/ 08/ 1973). The Bhukti-signal happens to be the Moon-sign, from where Venus is situated in the 7th. The BS-lord Saturn is conjoined with the DS-lord Jupiter, at the same time as the seventh-lord from BS (Sun) is conjoined with Mercury, who's the 7th-lord from the DS, and is the Ascendant-lord also; besides, the seventh-lord from BS (Sun) is concerned in mutual jaspect with the DS-lord (Jupiter), BS-lord (Saturn), and also with the Moon.

Pisces Antara in Aquarius Bhukti in JCD Sagittarius Dasha became strolling for 1 month (from 10/ 10/ 1972 to 10/ eleven/ 1972). The AS-lord (Jupiter) is worried in mutual jaspect with the seventh-lord from AS (Mercury). ... Mercury and Jupiter additionally happens to be the Ascendant-lord and the seventh-lord respectively - whereas one in all them (Jupiter) is conjoined with the Dara-Karaka (Saturn), and the other planet (Mercury) is involved in mutual jaspect with it.

The Actual Event : Marriage-rite turned into held : on 19/ eleven/ 1972. ... (Here too, there could be a time-lag of a few days' best - as the wedding-rite become held a few days after 10/ 11/ 1972).

(three). First Child - a Daughter - turned into born : in September/ 1973.

In case of 'male' natives, for Birth of the first child, the important signal is : the 5th-house; at the same time as the important planets are : the fifth-lord, the natural significator for toddler-delivery (Jupiter).

So, the vital symptoms (for Birth of First Child) are :

The fifth-house signal is : Libra.

The 5th-lord from the Ascendant (Venus) is located in sign : Leo.

The natural significator of Child-Birth (Jupiter) is situated in sign : Taurus.

The herbal significator of Child-Birth (Jupiter) is located in the fifth from signal : Capricorn.

The fifth-lord from the sign is situated in the fifth from the Ascendant : None.

JCD Sagittarius Dasha become jogging for five years (from 10/ 08/ 1969 to ten/ 08/ 1974). The 5th-lord from the DS (Mars) is jaspecting the Dasha-sign, while the 5th-lord from the Ascendant (Venus) is jaspecting the 5th from DS and also the 5th from the Ascendent.


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